Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Bravo Pua | Cracking the Code to Online Game [Full Length]

Bravo Pua | Cracking the Code to Online Game [Full Length] Video Clips. Duration : 65.93 Mins.

►►► Free Newsletter: ►►► Facebook: ►►► Subscribe on Youtube: Speaker Bio: The living embodiment of ALPHA MALE, Bravo's journey began like most, with a woman. Realizing he needed a change after a divorce, he began a journey. Six months were spent soul searching and getting his life back in order, he was making amazing changes and was beginning to love all aspects of his life, except one his dating life. Then one night he saw someone use an opener at a bar. After he found out what he witnessed, a canned opinion opener, he had a paradigm shift. "It blew my mind, it was at that moment I realized this was something that people could learn and get better at, no longer where some guys just born with it!" He then read The Game and his journey began. The book was his red pill. "It opened my eyes to everything that I had unknowingly done correctly throughout the years and I began to understand all the mistakes I had been making." Bravo began going out 3-4 times a week to all the places he use to avoid, tearing up his home town with his newfound social skills. "I use to hate the bar/club/lounge scene because I didn't know what to do, I didn't understand the social dynamics, once I started getting numbers, make-outs, and dates I warmed up to it! I finally felt like a PUA when I had strippers begging me to go home with them," Bravo says."The last wouldn't let me leave until I promised her that she could take ME out for sushi the ...

Tags: bravo, pua, online, game, plenty, of, fish, pof

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